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Adobe pagemaker 7.0 tutorial pdf in english free download
Page Maker Tutorial. Adobe Pagemakwr 7. Adobe PageMaker is powerful and versatile page layout software. Professionals use Wdobe for its exceptional typographic controls, exacting page tutorixl capabilities, including layers, frames, and multiple master pages, and numerous customizing options. It also supports advanced color printing technologies, including high-fidelity inks, color management support, automatic trapping, built-in imposition tools, and complete separation capabilities for text and graphics.
Let us first understand the PageMaker Window увидеть больше its various components. Fig 1 shows the important areas of the PageMaker pagmaker. To adobe pagemaker 7.0 tutorial pdf in english free download figures download PDF. You use the menu bar to give PageMaker instructions on how to set up your publication and lay out your pages.
As shown in fig. File — Use this menu to manipulate your files. You can create, open, close, save, export and import files with this tuutorial. The menu also pgaemaker command for printing. Edit — This menu contains options for cutting and pasting text and graphics. Layout — Using this menu, you can choose to insert and adobe pagemaker 7.0 tutorial pdf in english free download pages. This also has the option for inserting Column Guides.
Type — The options on this menu allow you to specify the size and alignment of your text. Almost everything related to text is on the Type menu, including fonts, sizes, alignment, type styles, spacing and indentations. Utilities — This menu is the gateway to the PageMaker plug-ins. It also contains Story Editor commands to perform searches, replacements and spell checks and options for creating tables of contents and indices.
View — Use this menu to view the page at different levels of magnification. For example, you can see the entire page at once with one option, or you can zoom a section of. This menu also contains items that can be turned on and off, such as rulers and grides.
Window — Use this menu to control what you see in your window. For example, you can turn on and off display of the toolbox, Colors palette, control palette, and a Style palette. Help — Use this menu to display an index of different topics on which online information is available.
In many of these menus, there are options that are unavailable at the time of selection and are dimmed. If these menu items are selected, the program just ignores them.
For example, the items like Find, Find Next, etc. Some of the menu options have a right-pointing triangle next to them. For example, on the Utilities menu, the Plug-ins have this symbol, which indicates that a cascading menu will appear when you select the option. A cascading menu shows a list of additional choices.
The Toolbox, as in fig. The PageMaker tools allow you to create or modify text and graphics on the page. To select a tool, just click on it. Of course, there are also keyboard shortcuts for each and every tool in the Toolbox.
The table 1. Apart from these, there is also the Control Palette as was shown in fig 1. The Control Palette changes according to the tool selected in the toolbox. The Pointer tool enables страница to pick, drag and drop text boxes, images and other objects, which can then be resized, moved or can have their attributes changed.
The Text tool enables you to select and edit text, as well as insert text boxes. Click the text tool and then click on the document and start typing in text. The rotate tool enables you to rotate a text box or image to a desired angle. Select the rotate tool, and pagemakerr on the object's reference point. Drag the object to the angle you want it to be.
Enables you to crop imported images down to size. You can only use this PageMaker tool on. Enables you to draw straight lines at an angle. Click on the oblique line tool, then click on the document. Drag in the adobe pagemaker 7.0 tutorial pdf in english free download direction to draw a line.
The constrained line tool enables you to draw horizontal, vertical and degree angle lines. Click on the constrained line tool, then click on the document. The box tool enables you to create rectangular shapes. Select the box tool and click on the document. Drag to create a rectangular shape. The rectangle frame tool enables you to create a rectangular text box that you can type your text into. Select the rectangle frame tool, then click on the document.
Drag to draw a rectangular frame. Select the Adobe pagemaker 7.0 tutorial pdf in english free download tool from the toolbox and click inside the frame. Type in your text. The text will be logic pro x autotune plugin free download within the text box.
The circle tool enables you to create a circular or oval shape. Select the circle tool, click on the document. Drag to draw a circle or ellipse. The отличный affinity designer trace vector free download часто frame tool enables you to create a circular or oval-shaped text box that you can type your text into.
Select the circular frame tool, then click on the document. Drag to draw the circular frame. Select the text tool from the toolbox and click inside the frame. The polygon tool enables you to create a shape that has more than four sides. Drag to draw the adobe pagemaker 7.0 tutorial pdf in english free download shape.
To modify the polygonal shape, click on Element and then select Polygon Settings from the drop down menu. The polygon frame tool enables you to create a polygonal text box. Select the polygon frame tool, then click on the document. Drag to draw the polygon frame. The hand tool enables you to reposition a page on your screen for optimal view. It is especially useful when you are working with a large document and need to navigate a. Select the hand tool and click on the page.
Drag to navigate from one part of the page to another. The zoom tool enables you to magnify or shrink the area of the page on your screen. Basic Information. The Fit to Window option under the View menu lets you see the entire downloa or page spread inside your publication window.
This is the default view. The Actual Size option displays the elements on /41353.txt page at their wdobe printed size. Use this psf to read small type. When precision is imperative, you can select Zoom To select engglish larger value. To find or view objects on the pasteboard, use Entire Pasteboard. To magnify a part of the page, you can drag the magnifying glass after selecting the Zoom tool.
Drag to draw a marquee around the area you want to magnify. You can also zoom to magnify or reduce, even when you are using a tutoiral tool. Once you start PageMaker, you can either create a new publication from scratch, or open an existing PageMaker Publication, or you can begin a new publication based on an existing design by opening a template. You specify page layout details — number of text columns, paper size, orientation, page numbering scheme, and the basic design adobe pagemaker 7.0 tutorial pdf in english free download the publication.
When under Option. Double sided is selected, side margins are labeled Inside and Outside. Otherwise, side margins become Left and Right.
Adobe pagemaker 7.0 tutorial pdf in english free download you know how many pages the publication pxf have, you can create them at this point by filling up the appropriate number in Number of Pages.
If you do not know, you can easily add or remove pages later. Select the option Adjust Layout when you change the page settings of an existing layout and want PageMaker to automatically move and scale text and graphic objects. If the current publication is a part of a larger book a linked set of publicationsand not numbered sequentially, then select the option Restart Page Numbering. You also have to specify the printer that you will use to print the final version of your publication under Compose to Printer, and select the dots per inch dpi of your final output device under Target.
Adobe Pagemaker - Download
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